by Rinnah Schmid, April 2016

On New Years Eve I found out the most exciting news…that I was pregnant and going to be a Mum in August this year!! I can’t explain my excitement after 2 years of trying, 3 IVF clinics later and just about given up hope a little miracle happens by none other then Mother Nature herself!

After competing in my first round of International Pro shows in 2014 we (Chris & I) decided to start a family, and being the fit healthy people we were, we just thought it would happen instantly…gosh were we wrong!

I tried it all, Naturopath, detox and finally sought help from and IVF clinic. We tried 3 different IVF clinics over 2 years spending countless amounts and got zero help from any of them to be honest, they were the biggest disappointment! We had just a few days before finding out I was pregnant, decided to cancel our next IVF appointment and not stress ourselves out any further.


rinnah schmid


I first thought I might be pregnant half way through a training session. I started to feel unwell and thought that’s weird, but maybe I’m just training extra hard. Turns out I was and I just couldn’t believe it!! My most recent specialist had told me that I must stop training and needed to put on more weight, that it would be impossible for me to get pregnant whilst training intensely!!!


When I fell pregnant I had been training harder then ever before and had maintained a very healthy body fat percentage.

Waiting to get to that 12-week mark to safely announce our exciting news was torture, I continued with my regular schedule of training but made some modifications to my diet. I dropped the weight on most lifts to a comfortable amount, my body is used to training and lifting weights so it's more than ok that I continue to do it safely. I train 4-5 days per week and do cardio almost every day.

Rinnah Schmid and husband Chris
Rinnah and husband Chris in 2017

I continue to work as a PT so I get up around 5am most mornings, have a protein shake and head to the gym to train clients, then i'll meet a friend at the river for a 7km walk which takes around an hour, then head home for brekky which is usually 2 whole eggs and 4 egg whites. Then i'll head back to gym around 10:30-11 for a weight session.

I've now just hit the 20-week half way mark, I really am enjoying being pregnant, it’s an absolute blessing to create another human being, BUT honestly it can be hard at times.

The changes in our body happen so quickly, clothes don’t fit, I’m so tired, I need to nap everyday, everyone has their opinion on how much weight you should put on, how much exercising you should be doing, hormones are going crazy, I could cry for no good reason and it can be a lot at times....

But I am learning to just focus on the positives and block out any negative input. It has been an adjustment having been so focused on physical appearance for so long with competing as a Pro Figure to having to let it all go and appreciate the changes.

My priority is to have a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby girl in August and then focus on being the best parent with Chris…then i'll work on getting back on stage later next year.

My Training examples:

I usually train one body part per day but since falling pregnant I have altered it and now combine areas in one session.


Back and shoulders

Seated row x 4 sets 15 rep

Cable pullover 4 x sets 15rep

Lat pull down 4 x sets 15 reps

Seated shoulder press 4 x sets

Cable lateral raises 4 x sets

Cable face pulls or seated rear delts 4 sets



Leg extensions to warm up

Squats 4 sets 10rep (less then half weight I would lift)

Stiff leg deadlift (about half weight)

Sissy squats w sumo squats (kettle bell 12kg)

Cable kickbacks


Supplements I currently use:

Whilst the fat burners and pre workouts are off the cards, I still use my favourite protein and vitamins

WPI International Protein for post workout or in between meals

Species Mineralyze (multi vitamin and minerals)

Pregnancy vitamin with folic

Omega 3,6,9

Vitamin D

All washed down with my new craving OJ cant get enough orange juice!

Check out Rinnah's competition suits for the stage here




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