Image - Tully Lou's YOXING   Our friends at Tully Lou have the 101 on Boxing Basics and we thought we should share it with YOU! Trainer at Fight Fit  Boxing Gym in South Melbourne Ruan Kotze (F.I.T.E.P.T.) gives you the lowdown and BIG thanks to Tully Lou - Follow F.I.T.E.P.T. on Instagram @fitept  BOXING 101 | JAB Round two of boxing basics prepping for correct technique and the next YOXING session. The jab can be used as a crucial defensive shot, power punch or to get your opponent off guard. Weight and alignment is key to prevent injury but also to set up the next punch you are going to roll with. Ruan from F.I.T.E PT takes you through the basics of a jab to get you punching like a pro in no time.   REMEMBER * Prep Boxing stance (see stance 101 here) * Slight bend in knee * Weight starts off mostly on back foot * Extend left arm straight out at head height * Turn wrist and knuckles slightly punching with first two knuckles * Keep right hand at cheek and elbow tucked in Power is generated from your hips not your shoulder. Make sure you are rotating hip and pivoting front foot to generate more power. A slight step forward when punch also allows your to throw with more force.   COMPETITION Tully-Lou STING giveaway on Instagram. Ends 11.59pm AEST 25th JUNE   Tully Lou is the latest fashion forward, sports luxe active wear from Australia. It’s all about combining rebellious workout gear with stylish streetwear. Melbourne native Tully is a passionate yoga instructor, designer, health and wellness writer who is spreading her mission and inspiring a crew of stylish, rebellious, powerful and passionate warriors each on their own journey. WWW.TULLYLOU.COM.AU
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