by Tully Lou

I have been thinking a lot about balance lately. What does “balance” even feel like? Does balance mean everything is going perfectly in your world? I am always trying to be more balanced in my life. Sometimes I workout too much or work too hard. So be honest with yourself. What do you need in your ‘you’ time to make your life feel more balanced? Its time to forget about what you should be doing. Its time to start scheduling ‘you’ time into your daily schedules.

You are a priority. Your health + Wellbeing depends on this. More often than not, you feel calm, grounded, clear headed and motivated when your life is in balance. For me I know when my life is not balanced I start to feel anxious, stressed and tense. I am constantly holding my breathe and not breathing properly. When I start feeling like this I know I need to start implementing some more me time to help de-stress and get my life to run smoother again. I am going to give you my top 5 foolproof things you can do to ensure you get some balance back into your life + make shit happen!

  1. Do some yoga. When I am feeling out of whack I like to get some YIN yoga into my life which is super restoring.  When I am feeling good I like to get flowing with some vinyasa or hot yoga to get the blood pumping
  2. Sunday evening schedule in all your YOU time appointments and block out your calendar.
  3. Learn to say NO. (I am guilty of this) Over scheduling is a quick way to burn yourself out.
  4. Turn off your phone after 830pm
  5. Meditate daily 10-20 mins will be perfect.

“If we don’t control our schedule – our schedule will control us. If we don’t find a way to live a balanced life, our lives will get out of balance”  - Wayde Goodall 


Tully Lou


Tully Lou is the latest fashion forward, sports luxe active wear from Australia. It’s all about combining rebellious workout gear with stylish streetwear. Melbourne native Tully is a passionate yoga instructor, designer, health and wellness writer who is spreading her mission and inspiring a crew of stylish, rebellious, powerful and passionate warriors each on their own journey.

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