15 minute fat-blasting workouts from Rinnah Schmid

Sick of slogging it out on the treadmill to get your cardio fix? That makes ALL of us! If you’re looking for the most effective way to torch fat and get fit fast, High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is where it’s at! I'm currently preparing to take the stage in the Arnold Classic Australia in March, before heading to the US for the New York Pro and Pittsburgh Pro comps in May. In addition to my strength training program, HIIT is also a big part of my comp preparation. Here are four of my favourite short, sharp workouts designed to give you crank your metabolism into overdrive and give you maximum burn for your buck!   HIIT BODYWEIGHT CIRCUIT #1 Complete 2 rounds of the following circuit, performing each exercise for 30 seconds, with 10 seconds rest between exercises.
  1. Jump lunges
  2. Squats
  3. Triceps Dips
  4. Burpees
  5. Push ups + planks
  6. Mountain climbers
  HIIT BODYWEIGHT CIRCUIT #2 Complete 3 rounds of the following circuit, performing each exercise for 30 seconds, with 10 seconds rest between exercises.
  1. Push up + 3 point jump
  2. High knees
  3. Side plank knee to elbow
  4. Triceps dips
  5. Bicycle crunches
  6. Russian twists
  HIIT DUMBBELL/BARBELL CIRCUIT #1 Complete 2 rounds of the following circuit, performing each exercise for 30 seconds, with 10 seconds rest between exercises. You will need a pair of dumbbells (DB) for most of these exercises, and can also use the option of a barbell if available.
  1. Squat + press (DB or BB)
  2. Push up + row (DB)
  3. Side burpees
  4. Deadlifts (DB or BB)
  5. Elevated plank
  6. Alternating curtsy lunges (DB)
  HIIT DUMBBELL/BARBELL CIRCUIT #2 Complete 3 rounds of the following circuit, performing each exercise for 30 seconds, with 10 seconds rest between exercises. You will need a pair of dumbbells (DB) for most of these exercises, and can also use the option of a barbell if available.
  1. Push up + burpee
  2. Squat + press (DB or BB)
  3. Jump lunges
  4. Burpee + bicep curl (DB)
  5. Walking lunges with DBs
  6. Plank tuck jumps
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